I was really sick last week and have been getting better each and every day. Nothing could have kept me away from my Weight Watcher meeting last week (12/21/13). I stayed the same weight which was good. The room was virtually empty but for about 8 or so steadfast believers! Snow and ice didn't keep us away.
Yesterday was a much nicer morning weather wise and there were some new faces at the meeting in anticipation of the New Year and their new futures. I jumped on the scale not quite knowing what to expect since I really didn't eat for the first really sick 3 days of the week, last Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Christmas day involved a bit of cheese ball, a big piece of fudge and a slice of turkey and a baked potato. I lost 2.7 pounds. I was excited and squealed and jumped around. At 265.9 pounds I have lost a total of 33.1pounds! Imagine that!!!! My daily points have dropped one and I can use 34 plus points.
2014 is going to be a great year. I have decided my focus will be on me, my weight loss journey, my sewing and my cross stitch. I intend on getting moving with my girl friends when the weather is warmer, walking that is! I have started a new little cross stitch project to ring in the new year. I threw away all my past failures that were holding me back from my future successes at yesterday's meeting and I am so excited about the rest of my life.
Oh yes, Santa gave my Prince and I a new Canon Camera! Plus I got a cool tripod so I will be able to bore you with plenty of pictures too!
I do need to go as I need to be somewhere in a half hour. Until we eat again my pretties!